The heartbreaking devastation of tornadoes across the country are a reminder to homeowners that hurricane season rolls in next month, prepare now, says CEO Marvin Lebovitz of Gulf Atlantic Industries in Miami.

Once again, the time of year is approaching that puts all Florida homeowners on their guard—hurricane season. Even though it’s still several weeks away, hurricanes are not something to think about at last minute. The earlier homeowners start preparing, the better off they’ll be.

accordianshutter1_blogHomeowners need to consider several things from evacuation plans to survival kits but people must also consider how to protect their homes from wind and water damage. All doors, including the garage, should be reinforced. Windows in particular are an extremely important area of the house to prepare for bad weather.
There are currently several options to take advantage of when it comes to windows. Depending on where the house is located, some homeowner’s may feel more inclined to pick one over the other. Hurricane impact windows tend to be more advantageous to Florida homeowners with its vulnerability to hurricanes. They may be easier because it means no hurricane shutters to put up or plywood to cut and install. It also makes it harder for wind to get into the cracks behind the plywood and shutters and rip them off.

“For those who want to skip the shutters altogether and install a permanent solution in the first place, hurricane glass — or hurricane-impact windows — provide the defensive advantages of shutters in an invisible fashion. The glass is usually 3/8-inch thick and features a film coating similar to safety glass products like windshields: If the windows crack or are smashed, the glass will stay embedded in the frame. In some areas, such as Miami-Dade County where building codes require protection on every opening, hurricane glass is becoming a popular option with new construction,” (11 Ways to Avoid Hurricane Costs: Fox Business, May 31, 2013).

“Shutters and plywood still offer decent protection but if you want the best protection for your home, hurricane impact windows are your best choice,” comments Marvin Lebovitz of Gulf Atlantic Industries of America, Inc., a national expert in all things related to homes and hurricane protection. “While the cost may seem more expensive up front, there are numerous benefits to installing hurricane impact windows. You may end up saving money in the long run because your insurance company will reduce your premiums due to your new home upgrades. You’ll also have the added piece of mind that your family will be safer if the hurricane hits faster than anticipated. Many homeowners in Florida may not even be physically able to put up shutters or plywood to protect their windows before the storm arrives.”

insert_blog1_remodelsfHurricane impact windows help protect your home against flying debris during a hurricane. Due to the hurricane force winds, objects may be flung about, causing them to smash into things with incredible speed. Hurricane impact windows are meant to keep these objects from breaking windows, thus letting strong winds, rain, and other debris into your home.

“Protect your home with quality products installed by quality professionals. Since hurricane season is fast approaching, contact an expert near you to have them help you decide which windows would be best for your home. They will then be able to order them for you and install them before the season starts. The sooner you take action to shield your home, the better,” says Lebovitz.

Marvin Lebovitz available for interviews. Contact Robin Nolan.